Chapter 2692 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep184
- Pam had been assessing her options when Lil began describing her massage with Ron. She could hear much better now, with her head level with the vents. Even though she was doing her best to remain steady by grasping Ron's shoulders, the continuing grinding of their crotches was unavoidable. Her arousal was increasing by the second, and hearing Lil so graphically describe her interlude with Ron wasn't helping. Pam knew she had to do something quickly to avoid crossing a line. No matter that she and Ron were trapped here, naked, her ability to retain some plausible deniability as to any active sexual response would be greatly enhanced if she didn't actually moan her way through an orgasm resulting from their forced stimulation.
- As she heard Lil and Mike begin to move about, Pam knew this was her best chance to speak to Ron. Looking for the first time into his eyes, she whispered, "Ron, this is so wrong...we'll talk about this later, but for now, we can't stay in this position. I am going to try and turn to face the door so I can see when we can best escape. I want you to put your hands on my waist to help steady me on this ball, but do not move them anywhere else...understand!"
- Without waiting for him to respond, Pam began to twist her tiny body, her feet shuffling on the ball as best she could without falling off. Her breasts raked against Ron's upper chest and neck, and her pussy ground across his cock, practically tugging it downward as her lips steadily slid further along its length, until his fat head smashed her pulsing clit before she could escape the pressure. Eventually she'd managed to rotate her slick body 180 degrees while managing to stifle any audible response to the pleasurable maneuver. When she stopped moving, it was apparent to her that while better than before, this position was still fraught with its own temptations. Ron's slick cock was now wedged vertically between the firm bubbly globes of her ass cheeks. His hands remained on her waist, which was okay as it helped her to stay balanced on the ball. Still, she was unable to remain motionless, and as she peered easily through the air vents, her precarious perch on the ball led Pam to unintentionally grind her ass around Ron's steel-like shaft.